2014 Machu Picchu. After 19 years in finance, a new homeowner as a single woman, and a massive life change of divorce. I climbed the mountains to uncover what I’m capable of and use those abilities to refocus , reinvest my thoughts and actions to create the return on my investment of self, moving me further into a life I create and choose in soverignty.

I’m honored to support you on your journey to revisit and revise the programming you were taught, so you can redefine in your terms, the daily routines, and retrain self talk to support life with actions which support your progress, not hold you back.

It’s time to uncover, claim and embody the best version of yourSelf.

Our work will be a step-by-step process that will guide you through the layers of your habits, your conditionings, and into your heart where we can get to the core of what you really want and support your path of resources.

Let’s begin.

Schedule here or explore below…

Ways We Can Work Together

Hypnotherapy in Private 1:1 Program

Accountability. Healing limiting Patterns.

Science Based tools that support reprograming the old patterns out with healing along the way.

Reinforce the new pathways with consistency towards your success.

Gain some peace and clarity along the path to your progress.

Hypnotherapy is a key tool and resource to reclaim your body mind connection so creating the life you desire becomes aligned, with consistency and reaps rewards.

Sessions are customized to your needs, goals and focus area.

Programs begin with six to twelve sessions to provideconsistency + accountability for sustained support as a foundation to new / changed patterns and improvements.

SCHEDULE a Complimentary Consult HERE.

    • Shama supports with the techniques, wisdom and practice of a decade in practice, and a Trained Hypnotherapist Certification Instructor, along with continued education in the profession.

      • Hypnotherapy is a practice used from legal trials in recollection of past experience, crimes scenes, recalling memories for items misplaced.

      • Business and Peak performance coaches use hypnosis methods to support the focus, skills and achievement of goals.

      • Athletes and high achievers often use hypnosis to reinforce their goals with consistency.

      • Hypnosis has been used for relief from IBS, anxiety, stress relief and more.

      • Specially trained and certified Medical Hypnotists often are in partnership with medical professionals for procedures, dental surgery and birt.

Click here to Apply to Hypno Soul™ Programs Programs.

  • COMING 2023: Hypnotherapist Certification Training! You can send an email to Shama@Shamaslight.com to inquire!

    • Training bonuses will include truly supportive business foundations to get you started (or enhance your existing practice) with the skill set of hypnotherapy+certification, structured with the wisdom of understanding business foundations and basic guidance in marketing, legal structures, tax responsibilities and all the practical tools only available from someone whose spent 20 years in financial management and been a full time entrepreneur since 2015!

Group Experiences; Personal Wellness Foundations for:

  • Stress+Anxiety Relief

  • Emotional regulation

  • Eating properly for your bodies needs

  • Discipline with mind, body, soul exercises.

Professional Wellness Services for Business

  • Stress and Anxiety Relief to Revive Resource States

    • Techniques for self regulation of personal anxiety and stress relief.

    • As we calm the nervous system, the body is able to return to a resource state where the mind is more able to find solutions, creativity, and pathways to improve immediate and long term solutions.

    • This program supports team interactions, personal confidence and contributions, as well as providing an overall sense of calm, wellbeing, resiliency and improved trust with the ability to self regulate.

  • Professional GOALS Clarity + Focus; Revenue Strategy + Plan w/ Integrative Hypnotherapy Experience

  • Private 1/2 day intensive: Entrepreneur Foundational Business Planning (Goals, Offerings, Budget, Expenses, Marketing outline.)

  • Hypnotherapy to supporting clearing of subconscious limiting beliefs and blind spots to support implementation + progress.

  • Hypno Soul Services for Personal Development / Spiritual AdvisorySupport

    • Shamanic Journeying

    • Past Life Regression

    • Oracle insights

    • Group classes / programs

      • Understanding Meditations effects on mind and body,

      • Chakras 101 + Guided Meditations

      • Hypno Soul Sound Healing Journeys

    • Plant Medicine preparation + post integration support.

      (Please note, I do not offer plant medicine, this is to support those who are journeying in a circle or space where support is limited, unavailable / not within a comfort zone for you. Support is available here and in with many experienced folks.)

Hypno Soul Self Mastery

Hypno Soul Self Mastery is the customized support services provided with your clarity of personality, body and mind needs for the most efficient pathway to your success and needs. All services are offered with updated studies and understanding of neuroscience + patterns of human behaviors, focused to serve your specific personality needs and goals. Review, release of self talk, self belief, self doubts that no longer serves your needs in your present life. Reframe and maximize the beliefs and behaviors that are compatible for your personality, life goals and growth desires.

Uncover limiting beliefs that held you back from taking actions to create the life you want.  As you more clearly understand what slows you down, blind spots that may stop you by surprise, you also can choose new ways to move forward in the present. 

With Hypnotherapy, you are guided to reframe or shift your perspective to thoughts, behaviors and patterns that support you with more consistency. In this safe, confidential, and supported space, Shama will help you uncover barriers, you may even choose to explore and understand why you held onto these beliefs, and most importantly determine if it’s time to remove or replace them with beliefs you choose. Reinforce your focus, goals, desires and joys, and take actions with support. You know it within you, if this speaks to you.

This program is available for 3, 6, 9 or 12 months, customized to your goals and needs. Each month consists of 3 private sessions, digital support in between along with any customized energy support.

Click here to APPLY to Hypno Soul™ Self Mastery program.

Eastern Insights, Chakra, Oneness + Deeksha Meditation Circles

As a Oneness Trainer since 2014, Blessing giver and former host to a standing weekly Deeksha circle in NYC, I am so very passionate about teachings from my heritage of India, like Chakra energy work, and the subtle body, Karmic and etheric, as it serves to developing a deeply supportive bond with your higher self within, that connects to whatever you believe in. With your inner and outer experience in harmony, theres more alignment to fulfilling the needs of that human part of your experience that asks for fulfillment of our primal needs of food, momey, shelter as well as abundance, success and peaceful harmony.

Everything is relationship. It begins within.

A very down to earth, practical approach to the function of our minds and how that affects our spiritual and emotional states, which impact our physical state and interactions with each other and the external world..    

Eastern teachings and practices are a beautiful compliment to hypnosis with the merging of eastern and western self mastery experiences.

Hypno Soul Events & Workshops

Hypno Soul Events and Workshops are a great way to explore Hypnosis, Oneness Meditations (Deeksha), Chakra Energy work to become aware, clear or shift emotional patterns and blocks.  

Click here to explore current events and workshops in your area.  

You can also follow me on FB at Shama Dhanani, Hypno Soul Coach and on Instagram @ShamasLight for more events info.

Transparency for Services:

You should always have the right to transparency of experience level, investment level and expertise of BOTH the business you’re purchasing from and the service provider you’ll be working with.

I encourage you to be discerning.

Pricing + Scheduling all listed by service here.